113 meter diep duiken in zee voor commercial automerk BMW

Guillaume Nery, de Franse wereldkampioen diepzee duiken, daalt af tot 113 meter in de Rode Zee in Dahab, Egypte. Voor een BMW-com- mercial van Zuid-Afrikaanse makelij, van bureau Ireland/Davenport (regisseur Greg Gray). Knap, spannend, en echt, zonder enige vorm van trucage, dit filmpje Freediver. Nery legt uit wat de link is met BMW's nieuwe EfficientDynamics-concept: het maximale eruit halen door energie te conserveren. Precies wat hij doet, maar dan met lucht. BMW reduceert benzineconsumptie, CO2-uitstoot, terwijl tegelijkertijd, je gelooft het niet, prestaties verbeteren. Via Shots.

Site Shots schrijft er meer over, voor geinteresseerden (regisseur Greg Gray is zelf een diepduiker, net als de leden van zijn filmteam):

Shot over three days in Dhab, Egypt, Gray talked us through the process
of shooting underwater. "We operated from a boat base about an hour
from the shore, which meant we had to keep the crew and equipment
," he reveals. "The underwater sequences were shot at depths of
between 10 and 40 metres and due to strict safety parameters we had to
limit our time underwater to four hours a day

To capture all
the necessary shots in such a short time frame, Gray explains, it was
necessary to run to a strict shooting schedule with a highly skilled
crew. "It was extremely difficult to shoot in such deep water because
of the communication problems at that depth – it was impossible to use
hand signals. All of the key crew, including myself, were certified
deep divers and that allowed us to capture everything in camera. There
was no post or visual trickery involved

A week before the
shoot Guillaume Nery broke the free dive world record, reaching a depth
of 113 metres, and his participation in the spot lends it a documentary
feel. "It was our intention to shoot something as real and honest as
," says Gray. "The ad is based on fact and we opted to show a
recreation of the world record attempt. Of course, having Guillaume
involved added a huge credibility to the project and it was a privilege
to get to work with him

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