Guinness filmt in vier landen voor extravagante nieuwe ‘World’-commercial

Prima dat de Ierse bierbrouwer Guinness wordt benoemd tot Adverteerder van het Jaar 09 op het Eurobest-festival in Amsterdam, maar deze allernieuwste commercial, ‘World,’ vind ik wel wat over the top.  En de boodschap wat vaag. Kosten noch moeite werd gespaard, compleet met filmen in vier landen en het inhuren van de set designer van Lord of the Rings. Interessant genoeg verving Guinness zijn bekende slogan in deze door reclamebureau AMV BBDO gemaakt commercial, bestemd voor vertoning in een verschillende landen. Good things come to those who wait is voortaan Bring it to life. En dat laatste is wat in deze epische film gebeurt, een nieuwe wereld creëren. Meer informatie bij The Guardian en in overlees.

The Guardian: ”Guinness has linked up with Google Earth to allow web users to “bring an imaginary planet to life” in a simplified version of games such as Civilization or Sim City called “Guinness World”.

The drinks brand has not said how much the commercial cost, but the project required three months of preparation and more than 8,000km of scouting before filming began in Canada. The production crew included the set designer from the third Lord of the Rings film. The set for the underwater scene took three months to build and the shot where grass is dragged into place, filmed in New Zealand on a disused bombing range, required army assistance.

Johnny Green, the director of the TV ad, described it as “one of the toughest” jobs he has ever worked on. “We wanted to create a truly amazing campaign which will graphically illustrate the life, energy and passion of the brand,” said Paul Cornell, marketing manager for Guinness.”

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