Britney Spears advertentie voor Hidden Fantasy oogst lof en kritiek

''Can't wait to buy this new perfume! I'm a big fan of Britney's line. I'm also happy to see her turning her life around.'' Schrijft een enthousiaste Catalina op reclameblog Adrants. Onderwerp de nieuwe Hidden Fantasy-parfum (met onderin advertentie 't zinnetje What do you have to hide?) van de zwaar gefotoshopje Britney. Steve Hall van Adrants is wat minder enthousiast. ''Well Christ on a Cracker, Britney Spears is back in the ad world hyping her latest fragrance, Hidden Fantasy. It's her seventh fragrance to date and the ads haven't changed one bit. Still the same vapid, heavily Photoshopped look. The same flowery visuals. The same cheesy headlines.''

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