International Woman’s Day: ‘Women’s issues are everyone’s issues’ zegt reclamegroep TBWA

Women’s issues are everyone’s issues‘. Vandaag is International Woman’s Day 2016, maar geen inhakers in de dagbladen vandaag, voor zover ik kon zien. Jammer. De internationale reclamegroep TBWA, met hoofdkantoor in de VS, haakte wel in met bijgaand ‘Take the Lead‘-filmpje met een boodschap over gelijke behandeling op de werkplek, dat vandaag  in Nederland werd verspreid door hun Amsterdamse dochter, TBWA\Neboko. We laten de toelichting maar even onvertaald. ”In June 2015,

TBWA launched a network-wide initiative to achieve a more balanced representation of women in leadership roles across offices, across departments and across the network. It involves workshops, events, mentorship programs, speakers, and in general, an office and culture that supports gender equality. Additionally, we are focused on new ways of tracking & promoting as well as recruiting talent.

”But as the program progressed, we discovered that as long as women’s issues remain women’s issues, only women will care. So we conducted a global survey of women’s experiences in their advertising careers and paired quotes from that survey with men in the industry. Starting today, International Woman’s Day 2016, women’s issues are everyone’s issues and TBWA gives both men & women across the global TBWA network the opportunity to #takethelead2020.” Aldus TBWA.

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