Zelfvertrouwen jonge meiden opbouwen voorop in nieuw ‘Like A Girl’-spotje Always

Alone you’re awesome. Together we rock.’ Een follow-up commercial van Always, dat dit thema al eerder aansneed, in februari vorig jaar. Nu een nieuw filmpje met meiden uit de hele wereld, ter gelegenheid van de International Women’s Day van de VN a.s. zondag. Ook deze #LikeAGirl moet een internationale beweging worden en het zelfvertrouwen van jonge meiden versterken. Wég met Like A Girl is eigenlijk

de boodschap, want beledigend. De Amerikaanse maandverbandmaker zegt zelf: ”Let’s all join forces to make sure that girls everywhere keep their confidence through puberty and beyond by showing them that doing things #LikeAGirl is an awesome thing. Using the phrase “like a girl” is an insult to any adolescent girl, and a tough blow to her confidence. We started a conversation to help change all that with our #LikeAGirl social experiment and film. And millions of girls from around the world responded big time. In fact, many of you started a movement: you shared your videos and personal stories, and showed the world that doing things #LikeAGirl really is downright amazing. Together, we’re changing what it means to do things #LikeAGirl. And our movement’s growing bigger and stronger everyday. Thanks for sharing. Keep doing things #LikeAGirl. It’s working.”

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